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Asbestos Testing Services

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber that was widely used in U.S. building materials from the early 1900s to the late 20th century. It was popular because it’s fire-resistant, strong, and a good insulator. As a result, asbestos was added to a variety of materials, including insulation, ceiling and floor tiles, roofing shingles, cement, adhesives, and more.

The problem is that asbestos breaks down into tiny, sharp fibers that can become airborne and easily inhaled. Once in the lungs, these fibers can lead to serious health problems, like lung cancer, called mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Because of these risks, asbestos use was heavily restricted starting in the 1970s, but it’s still present in many buildings. Proper precautions are needed when working with or demolishing these structures.

Did you Know?

The Vermont department of health and the US Environmental Protection Agency require that all buildings be tested for asbestos prior to demolition OR renovation. This is to protect the homeowners from harmful material that could be in their house, but it also helps protect those of us who work with potentially hazardous waste for a living. Once asbestos is found it is removed of by a licensed professional and disposed of in a separate waste stream from regular garbage.

 At Complete Demolition we carry this service in house to make the pre demolition process easy for our clients. We also offer testing to homeowners, contractors, and municipalities who only need our inspection services. Read more below.


Pre-Demolition Inspection

Are you demolishing or planning to demolish a building? The state of Vermont and federal government require an asbestos inspection and clean report before any demolition activity can begin.  


This service offers a complete profile of all potentially asbestos containing materials in the building. 

Pre-Renovation Inspection

Are you doing a renovation or planning to renovate? Are you a contractor that does renovations? The same regulations that apply to demolitions also apply to renovation. Protect your family and employees health and safety by testing for asbestos before you being renovating.


For this service we will test all potentially asbestos containing materials that will be removed prior to renovation. 

Other Inspections

Are you worried about asbestos in your home or workplace? Maybe a material in your building that you think has asbestos? Call complete demolition to make your worries go away. We will take samples of whatever materials you would like and can also make recommendations on other materials that should be tested. 

If you are only in need of Asbestos Testing please call Kieran Shea at:

(802) 752-0680


408 Town Hwy 21

Fairfax, VT 05454


David Shea (Owner):

(802) 782-2409

Kieran Shea (Asbestos Testing):

Call/Text (802) 752-0680



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